Oh gosh guys, who blogs during the last bit of the year. There is so much to cover and so much to do. I know things like Christmas happened and I haven't even thought about talking about them on the blog, because well I was busy getting the flu the day after Christmas (really awesome, said no one ever). As soon as I was over the flu I had to go to Seattle and have a kick ass time at the Seahawks game. So, blog? What's that? Anyway, here are a few pictures from my weekend in Seattle with some of my old roomies from college and some awesome puppies.

Seattle, I kind of like you.
<3 BB
AH, Seattle. From all the hours of Grey's Anatomy I have watched, I feel like I know that city. One of my friends went on an Alaskan cruise a few years ago and they boarded in Seattle- and she said she was considering ditching the boat and just taking her vacation there instead!!
I hope you had fun in Seattle, I totally lived right by local 360 last year and my boyfriend and I would go there and order mimosa flights all the time. Also yay Seahawks, I feel like I am supposed to say that even though I know nothing about them.
i wanna go to Seattle! pretty. sorry you got sick- life ain't fair i tell ya!
I love the Seahawks' uniform...always have, always will. I'm a sucker for that green and blue combo.
Jealous you went to a game! It looks like it was a good time.
What in the world is going on with this surprise attack Christmas flu season? My mom had it too… I’m just waiting for me to start showing symptoms. Seattle looks lovely btw…
When I saw you were in Seattle I felt bad for you because of what you did the night before. When I realized you'd stayed the night I was a happy bear. Glad you had fun!
ugggh Landon got the flu the day before Christmas Eve. I thought he was going to die. Hope you're feeling better though! That game looks like it was so much fun. And I'm with Alissa on this. Sucker for the green and blue.
ugh i just want to be able to wear a scarffffff
love seattle.
i'd like to Seattle myself. kthnx.
That bulldog, though.
And Seattle.
So much goodness.
I would love to visit Seattle! Looks like such a fun game!!! You're right about blogging during this time of year -- so much to say, but no time to say it! Enjoy the rest of 2013 :)
who do you know that owns a great dane??? sam wants one so bad!
How cute are those puppies?! But in all seriousness, Seattle is one of my favorite cities. It's so, so beautiful :)
Hmmmm it could come down to your Seahawks vs. my Panthers for a trip to the superbowl!!! I'm sure you all have it in the bag even though I love my team. :)
I know exactly what you mean, who has had time to blog the past week?! The holidays are such a crazy time, I'm looking forward to getting back into a normal routine.
i prescheduled all of my posts this week #likeaboss so all i needed to do was sit back and read everyone else's blogs :D
i love seattle!! will be making my way there next year after mudder in whistler :D
Vodka and Soda
That dog! I want!
I'm glad you had such a great time in Seattle!
I have family up in Washington so Seattle has been on my list of places to go.. mainly bc I'd have a free place to stay haha but for real, I would like to see it one day.
hope you're feeling better! and seattle is def on my list of places to viait!!
I hope you are feeling better! I got the flu right before Christmas and it was awful. So fun that you got to go to the Hawks game! We were on the edge of our seats watching it. I'm only an hour and a half away from Seattle! I love it!
Brunch?! Holy shit. You fancy, huh?!
Thats a puppy!?!? Its huge!
Oooh I love Seattle. Luckyyyy. Glad you feel better!!
What is the secret to amazing restaurant deviled eggs and why are they so damn expensive? I would like a meal of them, please.
I dream to go to a seahawks game, one day!
Cheer one of my good, GO BOBBY WAGNER!
xoxo, KP
Eleventh & Sixteenth
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