I got to see Third Eye Blind in concert last night at the Crystal Ballroom. Forgive me if I am tired today. The concert was everything I imagined and then some. The set was well balanced with my favorite old tunes and a few new, yet to be recorded tracks. The lead singer, Stephan Jenkins, is an oddball. Their drummer is legit.... and there were so many mid twenty to early thirties people just fangirling out. Especially the group of 6 bros in front of me. I tired to get video evidence of their love, but it just didn't do it justice.
I will also try and describe the amount of love they had, especially this one tall, goofy mother-effer that stood right in front of me. Every song that came on he would look over to his bros and give this smug, condescending nod, like yeah I guess this is pretty legit. Then proceed to sing every word WITH HAND MOTIONS. I thought he might have been the lead singer of a girl pop group or the guy from Napoleon Dynamite...No, just a 20something loving himself some Third Eye Blind. One song came on and informed the group that 'this is my least favorite 3eb song, but I still know all the words' uhhh good for you, dbag? He was also VERY thrown off when they played a few new songs that have yet to be recorded. Don't worry he still gave his buddies the nod of approval, even if he didn't know all the words.
But moving on... let us talk about the couple that was trying to make a baby right next to me. The girl was CLEARLY on something special. Maybe she was high on her boyfriend, maybe it was coke... WHO AM I TO JUDGE?! What I do know is they were extremely inappropriate, I felt like I needed to be warned I was going to be in for an R rated scene. Like when you're watching Love Actually and then bam awkward scene with boobies. The favorite part was when she awkwardly grabbed my arm and started sensually rubbing it, because she thought I was her boyfriend. Sorry honey, going to need to look elsewhere for your lovin'.
So yeah, not only did I get to see a great Third Eye Blind concert, I also got to experience soft core porn LIVE. Thank you? I wonder what google searches are going to lead people to my blog, now that I just used the term soft core porn.

And with that picture fresh in your mind, I will leave you with some great Third Eye Blind tracks (yes, I know I have posted this before. No, I don't care)
Cheers to this Semi-Charmed Kind of Life!
<3 BB
hahah throwback! I hadn't thought about that band for so long. Sounds like a good time.
NO EFFING WAY. I love me some 3eb. I wish I could see them live :(
also congrats on getting your arm molested. Sounds like a solid night all around.
This brings me back to highschool. Hardcore...I didn't even know they still played together!
Nothing is better than Motorcycle Drive By - nothing!
I'm jealous. I think I've said this before in a post? But I'm really jealous.
I saw Jimmy Eat World over the summer, but they aren't even close to 3eb in my book.
This concert looked like so much fun!! And I love that there were boys fangirling. I can just imagine.
Also, I'm interested in what traffic will come to your blog seeking soft core porn as well.
Hahaha. Sounds like a truly unforgettable experience.
The softcore porn, however, I could do without.
stupid tall fangirl man.
hey, at least the good music made up for all the craziness!
I have never understood people who try to eat one anther's faces off in public. Get a room!
This is amazing. Ha.
I need to start going to more concerts in Portland in 2014!
Ew why do people find acting like pornstars appropriate in public?! I'm about to vom.
bahahahahaha! i've seen that shit but on the train heading home for the day. girlfriend was legit straddling her man and thank god for the grandmother who shouted: HAVE SOME CLASS! STOP THAT RIGHT NOW!
Vodka and Soda
I AM JEALOUS! So cool...so cool. I used to have a love crush on Stephen Jenkins. He is such a weirdo. Drugs? Maybe.
Also, concert people are my favorite people to people-watch. MOSTLY. Unless they are making babies. That takes it TOO FAR.
I was totally bummed I wasted my tickets last night. Boooooo. Glad you posted about it tho, now I can live vicariously through you. Except the sexy times couple, you can have that mental image right back, no thanks!
Why? Why do people feel the need to act inappropriately in public places? Keep that PDA in the bedroom! Or, at least away from me.
Bahahahaha, I like Third Eye Blind but I could live without the soft core porn accompaniment.
That would have been so much fun! Minus the sensual touching from a stranger!
I used to love Third Eye Blind! Brings back so many 90's movies memories!
Thank you for elaborating on the guy in front of you. I needed to know more after the teaser snap!
Bahahahahahaha! I want more footage of the guys in front of you!
Concerts are great for recalibration of how weird and inappropriate people can be publicly. Yay, happy memories made, check!
They were just in Houston and I didn't even know. The venue was right next door to my office, too. I am bitter. Glad you got to see them, even if the audience was a bit traumatizing...
Holy crap, flashback to high school right here. 3EB was my SOUNDTRACK!
Singing with hand motions...I would not have been able to stop myself from mimicking him. Terrible person, right here.
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