I know some might say it is too early in the year to award Girlfriend of the Year, but I think I won the title fair and square last night.
Here's how the winning moment played out - Bradley got the flu yesterday and was down for the count. I, being the loving gf I am, stopped at the store on my way home from work, picked him up some soup, crackers, and juice. Came home took care of him as he was pitiful in bed...
And then proceeded to take his practically court side seat to the Blazer game and enjoyed the ManDate he was supposed to have with our good friend Cory. (They killed it, ps)

Sorry, not sorry/? I know a good girlfriend would have stayed home and waited on him hand and foot, checked his temperature regularly, put a cold rag on his forehead, got him more soup..but I am not a good girlfriend. Plus, I didn't want to get sick again so I tried to stay away from the quarantined condo for as long as possible. So yeah, try and top me for Girlfriend of the Year Award, I dare you.
Oh and #backthatazzup Friday I am leaving you with 'Girlfriend' by Michael Jackson, because well it has the word girlfriend in it, not because there is something shady going on with Cory and I.... although Brad did give Cory permission for the KissCam ;)
<3 BB
yup, you totally nailed it! :) haha love this!
sorry my comment is doing something so weird so i tried to remove it and fix it...ugh
no no you definitely should have gone, i mean he was sick. what were you supposed to do, stare at him? still gf of the year.
You made the right choice!
I hate just sitting around sick people waiting for them to infect me! You were still a good girl friend I say!
hahaha... I started reading this thinking I was going to be super jealous of how much better of a girlfriend you are than me. and then I finished reading this being even more jealous than I first expected. good work!
sounds like you made the perfect choice to me! you can't let a good ticket go to waste AND bail on your mandate!
You did the right thing!! I wouldve wanted you to go too if I was him. And you even took pictures to show him. Yep, totes awesome GF
Yep, you definitely won. :)
He left you no choice. Really. Or you could have just given the ticket to me and I would have found a way to gone to the game. Oh well. Next time. :p
Hahaha, this is great. You definitely still win GF of the year, regardless. :)
hahaha this is awesome. and yet another reason why i love you.
Now this. This is awesome. He sure is lucky to have you. I mean, that seat could have been given to a drunk hobo if you hadn't been there for him.
He's definitely lucky to have you! You brought him home soup and crackers, AND you carried on his plans for the day! :D
bahaha. I love you. but not like in a lesbian way. bc I know where you would be when I get sick
i would have done the same. i mean, why waste those tickets? you brought him flu goodies and he needs rest.
Vodka and Soda
i saw the bottom left photo and was like, woah that's not brad. ohhhh cory...hey cory you woman stealer. or are you just a ho because you have two men? ;)
love you. don't be mad.
You definitely win! I hope you were snapchatting him pictures of yourself enjoying it the whole time
You stopped to get him things before you left - so pretty sure you're still a great gf!
I think I would've done the same thing if I was in your position! Why stay home and get sick too?
Looks like there are plenty of people I could have taken instead of you... And they are probably better kissers.
i mean basketball or barf buckets? i'd take basketball...
You couldn't let the ticket go to waste!
bahahaha, thats so great.
Hahahaha you win! No one else will receive this title in all of 2014. :)
At least you got to get out of the sick room, I hate sick rooms.
Its not like you could WASTE those perfect tickets? ahaha. Hope he is feeling better :)
I mean, hey... at least you gave him soup!
LMAO this is awesome! Im not going to lie I would have done the same thing! Who else was going to go to the game?
YOU DON'T WASTE COURT SIDE SEATS. I don't even like sports and I know that. You did the right thing ;)
Your rationale makes perfect sense. Good thinking!
I fully support your decision! I would have done the same. Jealous!
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