So yeah, the holidays happened. Brad's birthday happened... And I am going to be honest, lately I have had more sugar than I usually do. I have also had more headaches too. Weird concept - eating crappy will make you feel crappy.
Now I am not going to apologize or feel bad for the delicious goodness that was Brad's birthday treat. Hello French Toast Sundae featuring vanilla ice cream, bananas, caramel, and walnuts...but I will be better today. Also, side note if you're in Portland check out Tasty n Sons. So good.
Anyway, enough about the sugary goodness that makes me feel like garbage after I eat it...I came to this little space of mine today to share a circuit with any of you that are feeling like they need to jump start the new year with a new sweaty circuit.
<3 BB
Yay for this circuit, thanks girl!
So - bananas - those are good for you though... :) Definitely going to try that circuit - looks like a good quick sweat!
oooooo i like this one!
I think I cheated on this detox just by looking at that!
strange right? when your body is clean and then you eat shit, you feel like shit. goes to show how much food really does affect how we feel.
Vodka and Soda
So sweaty, let's do this!
French toast sundae? Brb, hopping the next flight to Portland.
Gah that sundae looks amazing! And wall sits sound not amazing - but I need to do this one. I haven't done tuck jumps in a hot minute either.
French Bread desert followed by a circuit training? See it's all about balance :)
Ok, ok I'm actually gonna do this today. thanks for the inspiration!
But bread doesn't belong in desserts but okay, I will take your word for it...
I suck at push ups. It's embarrassing. Really embarrassing.
You know, I always get excited when people share little workout routines/circuits/what have you.. but then I realize that most of the time I have no clue what the exercises are ha ha! I'll have to Google tuck jump and mountain climber.
Also, I didn't realize you lived in Portland! I went down that way three or four times last year!
maybe i'll do this lil circuit tonight..maybe...
p.s. gimme all the desserts!
FRENCH TOAST SUNDAE! That has to be the best thing ever invented!
That curcut sounds miserable and that french toast sundae looks wonderful! ;-)
I am on a mission to cut the garbage out of my diet. I know it's causing problems!
I think that French Toast Sundae featuring vanilla ice cream, bananas, caramel, and walnuts just got me pregnant.
Yumm!!! Let me have that dessert!!! But I'd probably wake up sick the next day :( I wish crappy food wouldn't make me feel so crappy!
i loooooathed those wall sits in high school when we had to do them for volleyball. killer man, killer.
i'm happy you ate all that sugar, but also really jealous at the same time.
Oh my laaaawwwddd I want that dessert in my belly right MEOW!
I am the exact same way when I eat like crap for a few days! I don't necessarily get headaches but I just feel so gross and crave veggies! I mean don't get me wrong, I like to over indulge every once in a while, but my body just doesn't days on end anymore
I just gained 5 lbs looking at that. but it was worth it.
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