
angel's rest hike

A few weeks ago when we all had that Monday off (I don't even remember which holiday it was... Memorial Day maybe?) some friends and I all went hiking up in the Columbia River Gorge. We decided to hike Angel's Rest and let's just say there isn't all that much resting involved. The hike is just shy of 5 miles round trip and has an elevation gain of  1,450 ft.  The views though - the views make the elevation gain all worth it.... so pretty.

If you come visit me, I will take you on this hike. 


<3 BB


Melissa Nicole said...

guess what we're doing when I come :)

Tami said...

Gawgeous! Those pics where you guys are sitting on the edge are making my stomach flip

Jenn said...

It looks absolutely stunning!

kailyn said...


P!nky said...

That hike looks incredible. You are so lucky to have such a beautiful place so near you!

henning love said...

wow wow wow! what gorgeous views. what a beautiful place and one of the reasons we want to move to oregon. no joke. know of any coaching jobs?

Rachel @ Love, Rachel said...

amazing pics brooke! I am loving them.

Anonymous said...

I love all the pictures, it looks beautiful there.

OrangeMew said...

The pics of each person from the back thoughtfully gazing into the scenery are so frame able! The hike looks gorgeous, the 5 miles sounds doable but I assume with that elevation game pretty strenuous and intimidating! How long did it take, including the fancy photos hoot?

The Girl who Loved to Write said...

What an incredible view!

Lauren said...

So pretty but damn that's a lot of work. They don't have an express train up there or anything? :P

Meagan said...

Wow you have some awesome places to hike near you. That view is incredible!!

Alex @ she's his co-pilot said...

So pretty. I love this! Now I really want to come visit!

Anonymous said...

Oh... I want to be there. As if I needed another reason to want to come visit your area.

Happily Ever Parker said...

These are awesome photos!! Love the second to last one. Take me along - but you may have to push me in a stroller up the hill ;0

Helene in Between said...

And now I want to come visit you. This hike looks awesome

Nadine said...

Those views are absolutely beautiful!!! I don't know about hiking 5 miles though....lol.

MakeMeUpMia said...

OMG How gorgeous! I would love this! However, I couldn't sit on the rocks like in the last 2 pics, they made me anxious haha!

Chasing Elephants said...


Chasing Elephants said...


Brittany said...

Wow so beautiful!! I'll come on this hike!! Just tell me when you're going next and i'll hightail it across the border!

Jane {In The Pink & Green} said...

Angel's Rest is a great hike! We did it earlier in the spring, but it was rainy and overcast (shocking haha) and so we didn't have the best views...but the Gorge is so stunning no matter what the weather! You got some beautiful photos! :)

And also, I loveeee your leggings, super cute!

Erica Jacquline said...

All I want to do is be there right now! What a gorgeous hike!

Anonymous said...

Those views though!! So pretty :)

Amanda - Voyage of the MeeMee said...

Holy GORGEOUS photos!

Suzzie Vehrs said...

woah! That is absolutely stunning. It's amazing how beautiful the world is when we get out into it.

Suzzie Vehrs said...

woah! That is absolutely stunning. It's amazing how beautiful the world is when we get out into it.

Unknown said...

I don't know how I haven't done this hike yet. Does it even make me a true Portlander to have missed out on this!?

Kasey Lynne said...

let's add this to the list as well.

i want those sparkle pants you're wearing. let me guess, nike outlet?

From Foothills to Fog said...

Oh my gosh that is gorgeous!! I really want to do this when I visit Portland :) I'm going for Thanksgiving, but not sure how much hiking will be involved then :) Andrew and I want to go up for a weekend, so I'll have to get all the tips from you before we plan our trip!

Jess @ Living On Sweet Tea said...

soooo I might be buying a plane ticket right now...

those views are magnificent.

Michelle said...

That means I'm coming to visit RIGHT MEOW.

Kenzie Smith said...

You are definitely going to have to take me on that hike! It's gorgeous!

Kristen said...

this looks amazing!! i cant hike, but yes please, take me.

Chelsea @ Delipsch said...

wow, thats impressive! Beautiful!

JumpingJE said...

We're taking Melissa here, right? Right!