Blogging is a funny thing, I am sure you have all heard or felt that before. When I decided to jump into blogging, for reasons I am still unsure of, I didn't know what the hell I was getting into. Here I am two years into it and still don't know what I am doing - but I am enjoying it.
I love getting to write about whatever I want, but I think what keeps me coming back are the friendships I am making. My real life friends don't quite understand and that's fine. They don't understand how I was not nervous to meet Kailyn and have her come stay at my house for a weekend. They find it a little amusing that I get thoughtful packages from people like Jenny, who remembered my New Year's Resolution was to write more with stationary - so she sent me the cutest cards around.

And the thing is I don't care if they don't understand the friendships I am making. I may not meet most of these people I interact with online every day and that is fine...because for me, at the end of the day, I love that I am forming bonds with people. I love that people take the time to read my posts and they keep coming back to see what I have going on in my life. I love that I look forward to reading about what is going in their's. It's corny, but it's nice.
So, today, cheers to blogging and the friends I am making along the way!
<3 BB
Yay for real friends and virtual friends! Proud of you for what you've done with this blogging life!
Some of my very best friends were met through blogging...and I wouldn't have met them otherwise! You're awesome, and I'm glad blogging has brought you equally awesome friends ;)
I'm the same way!!!! Honestly, some of the people I met through blogging are the best! They can relate to me in ways some of my friends can't. Cheers to blogging and forming friendships with people we would have never met otherwise!
I love keeping up with your blog! Honestly, I really look forward to Juansday.
Blogging has gotten me through these past couple years. The people I have met through the internet know more about my heart that 95% of the people I know in real life.
love this and couldn't agree more. cheers to blogging!
yay for friends! your snaps get me through my busy day :)
That was me clinking our wine glasses to this perfect post. Blog friends for the win!
Amen! It's so hard to explain it to others. And what a thoughtful gift!
:) :) :)
It has been such a joy getting to know people in the blogging community. It's been one of the unexpected and wonderful things about being a blogger!
I will often reference stories from other people's blogs to my family and friends as "one of my friends did _____". My boyfriend's response is usually "which friend?" To which I respond "well it's this girl whose blog I read but I mean...she's my friend!". Non bloggers will never understand!
Blogging is so great at helping you meet people all around the country - and sometimes world! Seriously such a good supportive community!
Yes to this!!! I love all my online friends. These are people I'd have never met otherwise and now I can't really imagine my days without them.
I couldn't agree more, yay for blogging and meeting new people! :)
it is such a strange thing meeting people online but it's like the modern age... whatever it is people did in the olden days to meet people. book shops? horse carriages?
Blogging is really strange, but it is wonderful! Cheers to blogging :D
Cheers indeed! Now come to Toronto so we can blate. Ktnx.
Yes! And this is why blogging is the best!
Making friends is my very favorite part of blogging by FAR! :)
all of this is so true! some people might not understand but it really has changed my life.
I totally agree with you on this. My real life friends don't understand that blogging craziness, but I love it and all the wonderful friends I've made!
My friends/bf are the same way. no worriesss
It is weird. Sometimes I'll remark to my hubby "My friend so-and-so says she would just die if her weather was as cold as it is here..." or whatever. And of course it's a blogger friend in a warm climate. It's odd, but very cool.
Hear Hear!
is it too soon to say i love you? ;)
Cheers to your bitchass! :) love chu!
Seriously though, there is nothing better than blog friends!
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