

If you are losing faith in human nature, go out and watch a marathon.” – Kathrine Switzer

I don't have much to say today, kind of like the last time tragedy struck all too recently, because this isn't about me. What happened in Boston yesterday is bigger than me and my feelings of sadness. I could ask why, but will probably never have an answer and I can't even begin to imagine what everyone went through yesterday.

What I will choose to focus on is all the good that comes after something this tragic.  It's too easy to focus on anger or being scared or making this about yourself.  Instead, I choose to focus on the heroes, big or small, that came seconds and hours after, and who will continue to shine in the days to come. I choose to focus on hope and all the good that is still in the world despite what happened yesterday.

Check out this link or this couple if you want to see why not all is lost.

"Darkness cannot drive off darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK 

<3 BB

1 comment

Tiana said...

I especially love that quote by MLK Jr.
And what a beautiful reminder that though there are tragedies, and hurt and darkness in this world. We must act as lights for the good things in this world. Shining positivity onto a grave situation.

tiana of l'esthetique