
officially sprummer

Y'all, Why do I ever use ya'll, I am definitely not from the South.

It is officially sprummer time up in this betch! Gosh, I love Oregon when the weather finally decides to turn nice, because then all these things can happen...

The apartment pool officially opens. Haller at your girl. 

My favorite fruits are finally in season. Mango, get in my mouth.

I get to eat lunch out on the patio at work! 

Did I mention I am having a baby?! 

A watermelon baby that is!!!!!! bahaha Definitely sent that photo to Brad in an email yesterday with the subject line: We're having a baby. He didn't find it as comical, because he hates all fun. But no really, watermelon is my favsies. Nom, nom, nom. 

So many meats to be grilled! Pork chops were on the docket last night.

All this excitement comes from a girl that has loved summer more than most for as long as she can remember. 

Now if I could only get those rockin' abs back, I'll be set! Also, totally lived in that bathing suit and was soooooooo sad when it got too small. Did anyone else rock ESPRIT?! (Side Note: Did not realize the store was still around, until I googled it just now.) Anyway, this post is getting off topic, I apologize... 

Cheers to Sprummer! 

<3 BB 


Venus Trapped In Mars said...

OH MY GOD. Congratulations on your new addition.

Aubrie said...

You're entertaining. :)

kailyn said...

Congrats water-mommy!!! Now, give me those little 6 year old you abs!

Anonymous said...

I love eating outside and when the husband grills! PS love the new bump! = )

MacKensie said...

mad jealz of that watermelon and those baby abs! daaaang!

Kristen said...

Um lucky. Our neighborhood pool isn't open yet! & I live in TEXAS!! Wtf? & you can say y'all all you want! haha

Lauren said...

Embrace the y'all. The more it spreads, the less people will look at me strangely when I say it.

And jealous that you're in sprummer mode - we are at an awesome "feels like 100*" today!

JumpingJE said...

Baby!!! I'll start planning the shower, it'll be great.

Fit With Flash said...

1) I totally wore ESPRIT soooo up top!
2) I'm with you and completely ready for summer. I'm a slightly darker shade of pale from San Diego.
3) rock out the "y'all" whenever you want. sounding southern kicks ass. ; )