Hooray!!!! We made it through another week, unless you're someone that works weekends, then I feel very, very sorry for you. Anyway, in honor of the oh-so special occasion, I collected all these links for you.
//Allen Stone sings to my soul.
//I can't stop listening to Jillian Michaels podcasts. I know not everyone is a fan, but I enjoy her.
//What does you celebrity crush say about you? Side note: what does it say about you if you have more than one crush; my signals are getting all sorts of crossed! Paul Rudd, Jennifer Lawrence, Aubrey Plaza...
//If you're in Portland check out this cute coffee shop Blend.

//Also, do yourself a favor and go check out a hockey game in your area. We went on Wednesday night to the Winterhawks game and it was super entertaining. Multiple fights were had.

jillian michaels has podcasts? thats awesome.
I'm not in portland, rude.
I've only been to one winterhawks game and was disappointed that there were no fights at all. But I love the sounds of the ice.
Allen Stone, you're so smooth. Your hair is gorgeous in your hockey game selfie!
I love your blog, it's so fun! The coffee at Blend looks amazing, I've never been to Portland... one day I'd really love to go!
I would love to listen to jillian michaels yell at me in a podcast! Thanks for the info! I wanna go back to portland :( moar coffeez
I love your blog, it's so fun! The coffee at Blend looks amazing, I've never been to Portland... one day I'd really love to go!
I really want to go back to a hockey game, this needs to happen soon!
Minor League {not sure if that's the correct term} hockey games are a lot more entertaining than NHL because there's always fights!
It's so hard to get a good ticket for a hockey game here. The worst part is that tickets start at about $50.
I was unaware she had podcasts! I absolutely love her! I saw her when she came to Tampa a little while ago she is so motivating!
I like Allen's hat.
What is Beyonce doing in that gif? She looks like an idiot. #notontheilovebeyonceandjayztrain
You and Bradley...<3
I am going to go to a Dallas Stars game ASAP. I promise. I just gotta find someone to drag along with me!
is her podcast of her yelling at people? because that would be awesome.
Vodka and Soda
Great, now I have to add another coffee shop to my list of places to try...thanks. ;)
that coffee is reason #450 i need to go to Portland
I love hockey games! There are so, so many things I miss about living in civilization...
ugh again with the sitting! it makes me feel guilty as I ... sit here. :(
I want that coffee right now. And we don't have a hockey team anymore!
You guys look so great at the hockey game! I love hockey, unless they don't fight... then it's really just drinking beer next to an ice rink...
We don't have a hockey team for some strange reason! I'd have to go down to Oregon to see a game.
I knew sitting for long hours is bad for you, but I didn't realize how bad! Yikes!
Give me your hair. If you were a real friend, you'd give me your hair.
hockey games are the best ;) Are the Winterhawks an echl team?
I have yet to go to a hockey game crazy right? But when I do get a chance there better be a fight or two, just sayin :)
I stand and do random lunges and jumping jacks constantly throughout my day now. That graphic terrified me! Also, Jillian has podcasts? I'm really curious now..
Gonna have to check out those podcasts!
Also I've wanted to go to a winterhawks game! Will have to make it happen now. Also - Blend? Yum!
I love watching hockey! Although I got to sit in the skybox once at our local ice rink and now I'm totally spoiled because I don't want to sit in the cold metal bleachers anymore. I don't like Biggest Loser but I do enjoy a good Jillian podcast.
I'm pretty sure that sitting graphic was modeled after me...ahhhhhhh desk jobs.
ps jillian michaels is simply the best. why would anyone dislike her?!?
yep going through the archives #noshame
i have way too many celebrity crushes.
i want to go to a hockey game!! never been. you two are tooooo cute.
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