
humpday confess sesh

//I confess: I go a little bit crazy every time I try to find Kathy's blog for this Humpday Confessions linkup because her blog name is not the same as her blog URL and it is confusing and I am forgetful and every Wednesday after trying to remember what her URL is I finally give up and go find her in my bloglovin' feed. #bloggerproblems. 

//I confess: Brad and I might have almost caused a car wreck the other day while we were running. It wasn't actually our fault, but kind of.

//I confess: my ears are really waxy all the time and it's not like I don't clean them often. 

//I confess: I often use my pants as my napkin.

//I confess: I lose food in my scarves all the time. Yesterday afternoon I found some my breakfast oatmeal hidden away for later. 

//I confess: last night I had a dream that I accidentally ended up on a porn website on my work computer. It was weird. It got even more weird when I was trying to explain to our 70 year old IT guy that I did not know how I ended up on said porn site. 

//I confess: I am becoming a worthless human being the last few days. I am supposed to leave the house by 6:40. Today I didn't even get out of bed until 6:30. I think I have an iron deficiency? probably just lazy.

Cheers to confessions!!!

<3 BB


Nadine said...

My scarves catch food all the time too! So do my boobs...but that is besides the point.

That last gif cracks me up. Mainly because it is so true!!!!

Kathy@MoreCoffeeLessTalky said...

sorry about the URL vs blog name confusion. i was going to change it but then that required me to go back and MANUALLY FIX all the broken links of images and whatnot and for real, ain't nobody got time fo' dat. but thanks for searching for me and joining this linkup!

-kathy | Vodka and Soda

Kay said...

"It wasn't actually our fault.. but kind of" You tease.

Alex[andra] said...

I love that this post has New Girl gifs. New Girl FTW!

I want to hear more about this car crash.

Kenzie Smith said...

Your confessions are hilarious! I am always wiping everything on my pants. My son has really waxy ears! It drives me nuts, I'm constantly cleaning them. Happy hump day :D

JumpingJE said...

What kind of snacks do you have in your scarf today, lady??

Rachel @ Love, Rachel said...

HAHAHA I find treats in my scarf all the time!!!! it's normal...i think.

Melissa Nicole said...

i have really waxy ears all the time and its like dark brown and i think that means im going deaf.

Kate @ Another Clean Slate said...

Today I didn't even get out of bed until 8am. Usually I am at work by then- major lazy issues here.

Unknown said...

MY scarves totally catch food too! The best is on Mondays when we typically make Taco Dinner and i find onions in the scarf (smell them rather) when I'm out at the mall after dinner. WTF. Gifs are great. and bees ARE dying. LoL

lil desiqua said...

I seriously love all the Schmidt GIFS... and their perfect usage :) Also, really happy that you didn't cause an accident!!

Amanda - Voyage of the MeeMee said...

My ears are waxy, too! I clean them every time I take a shower but the q-tip always comes out all brown and rank.

Brittany said...

My scarf is totally a feed bag. Sometimes I wonder if I got anything in my mouth.

I feel like your 70 year old IT guy would be more interested in what you were doing later than how you got on a porn site so don't worry :P

Kait said...

i convince myself i have an iron deficiency about every other week. i also lost a raisin in my scarf this morning.

Lauren said...

I think the trick must be to take off your scarf while eating and then after you spill on yourself, put it back on to hide the mess. I wish I had a scarf today. There might be curry on my shirt.

Anonymous said...

Hmm Google Chrome fills in her URL when I type Vodka and Soda even though it's not the same.

Helene in Between said...

haha this is just plain awesome. i love schmidt. all of this, a win.

Anna said...

The fact that this post has a billionty amazing Schmidt gifs really means I need to say nothing, but I will add on anyway.

I did have a bunch of awful porn links and file names (the worst kind) pop up on my work computer, but it wasn't from anything I did (verified by IT). It was the most embarrassing thing ever. Never lived that one down.

Kasey Lynne said...

SCHMIDT! Just what I needed today :)

Earwax is gross. Clean your ears.

Rachel said...

I cracked up at saving food in your scarf for later.... :P

Shannon Q. said...

Schmitt is the freaking best! I to, have been a bit on the worthless human being side of things as more and more lately I debate if a shower and a good hair day is really worth it..so far the 15 extra minutes I lay on my butt have won that!

Amanda Elizabeth - Meet @ the Barre said...

Oh how I love Schmidt! I cannot get out of my house on time in the morning either! I blame it all on blogging ;-)

MacKensie said...


Jess @ Living On Sweet Tea said...

I use my pants as a napkin all the time. I should grow up sometime.

Fairy Princess Jord said...

Haha I love all of your Schmidt gifs. Now I just want to lay in bed and binge watch New Girl.

lisacng said...

LOL on Kathy's url not matching her blog name ;). I'm sure she's "right on it" about changing that, hahahaha. Once I was like, "what's that sweet smell that keeps lingering?" turns out it was a piece of muffin in my scarf. Nice.

Becky said...

I enjoyed this a little extra 'cuz Schmidt is my favorite.

Caroline said...

Any post with an abundance of Schmidtty and confessions is one helluva good post!