
Hitting the Links.

Happy Friday!!!!  We have made it through another week.  Today, I am thankful for these articles:

Hating cilantro is a real thing.

This place might be what Heaven looks like in Bradley's eyes.

Just an article that shows the advantages of saving $2.75 a day. #NBD.

As you may know, the last Twilight movie comes out today.  Here senior citizens hate review the trailer.

This poor gentleman is afraid of horseies.

What if Adele was Mrs. Doubtfire?

Since Thanksgiving is next week, I got you this.

Leaving you with this. Sometimes the internet is a wonderful place.  This is one of those times.  #mashup.

Enjoy your weekend! I'll be cheering on the Ducks tomorrow at Autzen!

Cheers to the weekend!

<3 BB

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