This little baby blog of mine. I'm gonna let it shine. oh wait...
Guess what, I am a really bad blogger and also really bad with dates. I definitely missed my 1 year blogger anniversary. Who does that?! Me! I do that. I don't even know if Brad and I have an anniversary, and if we do I couldn't tell you what day it is. Whatever. Even with me being a big dummy, I have noticed that I am starting to have a real blog over here and have taken some big girl steps in the world of 'real blogging' to help it grow. Starting with figuring out Google Analytics. Yes, I had my blog almost a year, before I actually started using it. So sue me.
I also broke down and bought a domain name. Say hello to seeya never Danica Patrick even called and left me a voicemail from GoDaddy to welcome me to the team. Totally went fan girl!!! oh wait... it was a recording.
I also made a new blog button that you can find on the right sidebar.... and I set up a passion fruit account for advertising. (For all you non-bloggers out there, you probably don't care about that last part). For anyone else that would like to sponsor my blog, I wouldn't hate it :) I only have one sponsor option up right now and it is just the sidebar button placement, but am looking to add a few more options soon!
Also, everyone knows that Google Reader is going away right?! I am not crushing your dreams by telling you that news now? Make sure to follow me over at BlogLovin' or Feedly. I have always used Bloglovin' to follow all of my favorite blogs, so I am not totally sure why everyone is losing their shit over it, but the more I investigate Feedly, the more I think I like it.
Lastly, people are actually starting to leave comments about the things I write! It's like they actually enjoy my blog or something. It's weird, I know. Luckily, for me they have all been positive so far and I love interacting with more and more people! When I fist took the plunge and started commenting on blogs and responding to people that commented on mine, I was doing it all wrong. I was a big struggle like Nadine was.....but then Kailyn changed my blogging life for the better with this tutorial. So now I can reply to comments right from my email and it's a beautiful, beautiful thing. Moral of the story, DON'T BE A NO-REPLY BLOGGER. So go now, double check to make sure you're all set up right!
Ok enough about me, I am sure you're tired of me whoring myself and my blog out. Let's get ready for the weekend and #backthatazzup with Whitney.