ta-dah! It's a little hard to tell in the light, thanks a lot iPhone but those are blue stripes.
See, I have this thing with stripes probs has to do with the fact they are the classy cousin of the chevron. About 70 % of my shirts feature stripes, our bedding is stripes, and now this! I mean really, how could I not purchase the shower curtain, especially since I have been going to the WestElm site at least once a week to look at this one. I only paid $14.99 for mine, thank you very much suck on that, Westie. Plus, I think it goes better with this painting that I brought to the big kid apartment when I moved in with Bradley than our old curtain.
slowly taking over this place!
Speaking of HGTV, is anyone else obsessed with that network or just me?! I mean the kind of obsessed where next thing you know, your entire Saturday is gone and you have watched 28 episodes of House Hunters with a Property Brothers or two thrown in there?
I always get super invested with each episode of House Hunters - it's like I am making the purchase with them, except I have way better taste and am not a huge bitch like some of the people on that show (males included). I mean I get it, for a lot of people this is their 'dream home' or whatever and you want to enjoy the space you're living in so you get to be a little picky - but shoot, these people kill me with what they except from a home, especially when they have a horrible, baby budget to work with. Let's get realistic, ladies and gents, 250K is not going to get you granite counter tops and 5 bedrooms in the heart of a downtown LA. Move to South Dakota or something.
The worst part of all of this HGTV watching is it gets me all panicky. How do people come up with the money to buy a home?! At the rate I am saving money, I will have enough money saved for a down payment when I am dead or at least close to it and by that point I might as well be checking out nursing homes not my dream home... Also, I highly suggest NOT getting online and researching how much cash-ola you will need to buy your first home. Very depressing if you are nowhere near the goal.
Does anyone else share this love/hate relationship with HGTV?!
<3 BB